Blog Articles

Le JardiBlog - Gardening Tips, Advice and Trends

L'Essence de la Patience : Découvrir l'Art du Bonsaï avec l'Outil Indispensable

The Essence of Patience: Discovering the Art of...

The art of bonsai, a centuries-old practice that encapsulates the majesty of nature in the intimacy of a pot, is a path of patience, precision and contemplation.For beginners aspiring to...

The Essence of Patience: Discovering the Art of...

The art of bonsai, a centuries-old practice that encapsulates the majesty of nature in the intimacy of a pot, is a path of patience, precision and contemplation.For beginners aspiring to...

Comment faire du compost ?

How to make compost?

Good soil, which forms the basis of a healthy garden, is rarely found naturally and must be created. One of the best ways to improve the fertility and consistency of...

How to make compost?

Good soil, which forms the basis of a healthy garden, is rarely found naturally and must be created. One of the best ways to improve the fertility and consistency of...

Comment pailler et éviter les erreurs ?

How to mulch and avoid mistakes?

Mulching: Essential for the Health and Aesthetics of Your Garden Mulching, this gardening technique where a layer of material is placed on the surface of the soil, is crucial. It...

How to mulch and avoid mistakes?

Mulching: Essential for the Health and Aesthetics of Your Garden Mulching, this gardening technique where a layer of material is placed on the surface of the soil, is crucial. It...

L'association de cultures pour les légumes et les Herbes

Crop association for vegetables and herbs

Many factors help plants grow, including light, soil, water and nutrients. What many gardeners overlook are the beneficial relationships that exist between plants, a growing method known as plant association....

Crop association for vegetables and herbs

Many factors help plants grow, including light, soil, water and nutrients. What many gardeners overlook are the beneficial relationships that exist between plants, a growing method known as plant association....

Les Insectes bénéfiques: Le contrôle des nuisibles par la Nature

Beneficial Insects: Nature’s Control of Pests

When gardeners think of insects in their garden, it is usually pests that damage ornamental and edible plants. In reality, most insects are not harmful and some are even beneficial,...

Beneficial Insects: Nature’s Control of Pests

When gardeners think of insects in their garden, it is usually pests that damage ornamental and edible plants. In reality, most insects are not harmful and some are even beneficial,...

10 Étapes pour lancer un Jardin Biologique

10 Steps to Start an Organic Garden

Growing awareness of the harmful effects of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is leading many gardeners to turn to organic gardening. This type of gardening is more environmentally friendly and promotes...

10 Steps to Start an Organic Garden

Growing awareness of the harmful effects of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is leading many gardeners to turn to organic gardening. This type of gardening is more environmentally friendly and promotes...